Freedom from power – the problem of talking them down


Published by:
Colony Gallery, Birmingham

ISBN: 978-0-9557411-0-4

 Freedom from Power

Mona Casey, Paul Macaree.
Volume/Event Contributors:

Featuring Terry Atkinson, Simon Bedwell, Amanda Beech, Vincent Honore, Andy Hunt, Mark Hutchinson, Ryan McClelland, Juneau Projects, Flavia Muller Medeiros, Paul O’Neill, Sally O’Reilly, David Osbaldeston, Michael Schwab, Claire Shallcross, and more…

An essay on art, affect, autonomy and ontology.Published in the book As If Something Once Mentioned Now Plain to See. Major publication by COLONY, featuring all text commissions 2005 – 2007, plus new visual and text based commissions by emerging and established artists and writers.